ALCI Membership

Join our community to experience the benefits of becoming an ALCI Member

The ALCI provides your business with an additional opportunity to reach customers who use the internet to search for services or products. Our online Membership Directory gives full information on your business and a link to your own website and email in addition to all other contact details.

The ALCI branding can give you a competitive advantage with potential customers in the Private, Commercial and Public Authority Sectors. Use it on your stationery, website, vehicles and promotional leaflets to set yourself apart from non-ALCI contractors.


Experience the Exclusive Benefits for ALCI Members


The ALCI logo can give you a competitive advantage with potential customers in the Private, Commercial and Public Authority Sectors. Use it on your stationery, website, vehicles and promotional leaflets to set yourself apart from non-ALCI contractors

ALCI Website provides your business with an additional opportunity to promote their business online and reach new audiences

ALCI Awards

Our awards, which are only open to ALCI members, provide companies with an opportunity to showcase projects, and winning an award can be an unique marketing opportunity for your business. Sponsorship opportunites for the awards are open to ALCI Trade Members


The ALCI facilitates training courses for member companies, making essential training more accessible and affordable

Membership Categories

Becoming a full or trade member of ALCI is a simple process that will give full and exclusive access to many benefits.

Memberships grant access to valuable resources, industry insights, awards, professional development opportunities and more.

  • Full Member

    Full Membership shall be open to Landscaping firms or persons operating in the Republic of Ireland.

  • Trade Member

    Trade Membership of the Association shall be open to a Company (or person) who supplies material, equipment or service to the Landscape Industry and particularly to members of the Association.


Joining ALCI comes with affordable membership fees that offer exceptional value for both individual and trade members. Our fee structure is designed to be accessible, ensuring that professionals in the landscaping and horticulture industry can easily become part of our community.

With ALCI, you not only join an accredited association, but also make a strategic investment in your business.

Contact Gary Graham to join today: