Tree Surgery Case Study: Importance of Annual Surveys


A client with a multi-site portfolio was required to assess the potential of tree damage resulting from storm and weather events at their property locations across the Republic of Ireland. This was particularly important in order to mitigate any associated risk to their services, the staff working with the organisation and the general community surrounding them. In
addition, the client was keen that a proactive approach was taken to tree management, to ensure long term care that would help extend the life time benefit of these valuable assets.


A tree survey was required to be conducted in over 60 locations across the island of Ireland, identifying trees that posed a risk to buildings or staff. Aside from the challenge of the wide geographical spread of locations, the surveys also required detailed reporting and identification of site-specific tree locations.


A full tree survey was conducted by our own in-house arborist, which highlighted not only the works to be completed, but also gave the client a full report on their tree assets on each site. With a collaborative approach, our client implemented an annual tree survey which has enabled preventative tree maintenance planning, and management of risk associated with the rising frequency of storm and weather events.

  1. Identification of potential hazards: The tree survey and report helped identify any potential hazards at each property, such as dead or diseased trees, overhanging
    branches, concealed lighting, or structural issues that could lead to falling limbs or tree failure.
  2. Tree health assessment: The audit report provided valuable information on the overall health and condition of the trees at each property, including any signs of disease, pest infestations or other issues that could impact their long-term viability.
  3. Tree management recommendations: Based on the findings of the tree report, recommendations were made on the appropriate actions required to deal with any identified risks or tree health concerns. This enabled our client to instruct remedial and preventative maintenance, ensuring a proactive approach in caring for the trees on their properties.
  4. Insurance and Liability: Tree reports provide documentation on the condition of the trees at a property, and alongside appropriate preventative maintenance demonstrate a best practice and pro-active approach to mitigating the risk of damage or injury.


Contributed by SAP Landscapes


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